Why is there a picture of fabric line drying in my laundry room? Because my dryer just broke. Why isn't it outside on my clothesline? Because it's pouring rain outside. Why don't I just pack up the kids and go to the laundromat? Because the transmission went out on my van, so I have no way to drive the kids around until next week. (Three car seats don't fit into Jason's Passat.) Why is the quality of this picture not so great? Because my 5 year old camera is on its last leg and I have to tap it on the side to get it to work. Why did it take me so long to sign into blogger to make this post? Because something's wrong with my computer. (I've been looking into Macs this past week.)
Sometimes life is just comical.
The surprising thing is that none of this has really upset me. (Well, except for the time I yelled at the cable lady over the phone, but that's another story.) We've actually had a pretty great weekend despite everything breaking this week. The garden got a great watering from Mother Nature, and I picked the mother of all squashes from it. The kids have been silly all weekend. And the husband and I had a nice night last night being nerds and playing
WOW. And I have a lot of sewing that I get to do tonight. Alrighty, I'm done with my lengthy post. Hope you all had a great weekend!
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